Stories in order are:- SUM gallery “Forest/Flux/Frequency”, Toronto ArQuives “Leave it on the Dance Floor”, Vancouver East Side Culture Crawl, PNE “For the Love of Drag”, Wet & Wild Bowling League, Halifax “Grease Drag Singalong”
0287: November 2024 Show 1
Stories in order are :- Toronto TICOT Out of Town Show, Vancouver Transform Festival, Matthew Presidente album “Chosen Sun”, Toronto Halloween at Woody’s, Vancouver Men’s Chorus “Making Spirits Bright”, Toronto Halloween on Church Street
Volunteer Opportunities
OutLook TV needs the following positions filled:
Volunteers from the LGBTTQQI community to report on what is hot and happening from Victoria BC across Canada to Halifax, Nova Scotia !
Volunteer Video Journalists and camera operators to help cover the events, current affairs and much, much, more across Canada
Volunteer video editors using DaVinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere or FCP to cut our footage into engaging stories.
If you or someone you know is interested please email!